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Best Rats Exterminator Solution In Greater Toronto Area

Rats and mice as rodents or  gnawers,  must gnaw to wear down their incisors which are constantly growing. This ability also  damage variety of material  including insulation, structural timbers, side curtains, food container and packaging, water lines and wiring. Espacially roof rats can cause considerable damage with their gnawing and nest-building activities. Out of structure, rats also damage lawn plantation or crops. Rats have  the potential to contaminate food and transmit diseases  to humans or livestock including salmonellosis, rabit fever, murine typhus, leptospirosis. 

Like Mice, rats are nocturnal, preferring to hide during the day.  Rats come out at dusk and have multiple periods of peak activity during night ​maneuvering. Similarly like mice, rats have poor eyesight, primarily depends on excellent hearing, touch and smell abilities. Rats and mice have an amazing reproductive potential as well. 

Rats first breed at the age of 3 months and produce 4 to 6 litters a year with up to 12 rats each. This is why both rats and mice called prolific briers, can become many more within months. Pestica Pest Control Toronto provide best solution to get rid of rat problems.

Pestica Pest Rat Control Toronto Mission

Find best City of Toronto rat control and pest control solutions. We understand the pain points that come with pest infestations, from property damage to health concerns. But fear not – we're here to provide you with a clear, effective path to a rat pest contro in Toronto. Take the first step towards a secure and comfortable home. Whether you're dealing with rodents, insects, or any other pests, we've got you covered.

With years of experience and a deep understanding of local pest issues, we're the go-to team for pest control in Mississauga. Our experts are trained, certified, and equipped with the latest tools and techniques. 

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Different Types Of Rats In Canada

Two most common species inhibit structures in Toronto are; Roof Rat some time called Black Rat  (Rattus rates)  and the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus).  

Norway Rat

Norway rats are the bigger in size comparing roof rat; nose to tailed tip 12 to 18 inches in length. Body is heavy, small eyes and ears, faily compact, and body color is gray to brown. 

 Opose to roof rat, norwy rats usually remain in the ground floor or basement. The also burrowing along building foundations, wood piles or any hidden and moist structure on ground. Both Norway and roof rats can gain entry to structures by gnawing, climbing, jumping, or swimming through sewers and entering through toilets or broken drains. While norway rats are more powerful swimmers, roof rats are more agile and are better climbers. Contraory to roof rats, norway rats create burrows, often undermining foundations, feed bins and damaging water banks, small water channels or logons. 

Almost same in length, roof rats consider more mouse type shape; comparing narway rat. Roof rats eyes and ears are relatively large, and their tail is as long as their entire body length. 

As name suggest roof rats are more agile than Norway rats, usually spend most of the time above ground as easily climbed in buildings and live in attics, walls, ceilings or any space above the ground. They even inhibit trees, dense vegetation if live out door in warmer climate. Roof rats and mice are not, preferring to live in walls and overhead spaces.

Roof Rat

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