4 Different Types of Cockroaches In Brampton: How to Deal Them

types on common roaches in brampton

Brampton Common Type oF Roaches

  1. German Cockroaches
  2. American Cockroaches
  3. Brown Banded Cockroaches
  4. Oriental Cockroaches

Brampton, a city located in the Greater Toronto Area, is home to a diverse community of insects. Among the most common of these pests are roaches. Roaches are known for their ability to survive in harsh conditions, and their presence can be a cause for concern for many homeowners. 

Types of Cockroaches In Brampton Ontario

Different types of roaches are found in Brampton. The Common Brampton Roaches species are the German cockroach, the American cockroach, and the brown-banded cockroach. Each species has its own unique characteristics and habits, but all are considered pests due to their ability to spread disease and cause damage to household items.

German Cockroach

The German cockroach (Blattella germanica) is a common species of cockroach that is known for infesting indoor spaces. They are commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms, where they feed on food scraps and moisture.Here are some key characteristics and information about German cockroaches:

german cockroaches removal brampton

Size and Appearance & Diet

  1. Adult German cockroaches are typically about 1/2 to 5/8 inches long.
  2. They are light brown to tan, with two dark parallel streaks running from the head to the base of the wings.
  3. While they have wings, German cockroaches are not strong fliers.
  4. They are scavengers and will eat a wide variety of food, including crumbs, grease, and other organic matter.
  5. German cockroaches are associated with various health risks, as they can carry and spread bacteria, pathogens, and allergens that may trigger asthma and allergic reactions.


  1. German cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments.
  2. They are commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas with access to food and water.


  1. German cockroaches reproduce rapidly. A female can produce several egg cases (oothecae), each containing many eggs.
  2. The development from egg to adult can occur in as little as 50-60 days.

Control and Prevention

  1. Eliminating food and water sources is crucial for control.
  2. Seal any cracks or openings in walls and around pipes to prevent their entry.
  3. Use insecticides specifically designed for cockroach control, following safety guidelines.

Professional Help

If a German cockroach infestation is severe or persistent, it is advisable to seek professional pest control assistance from Pestica.

American Cockroach 

The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is a large and common species of cockroach found in various environments, particularly in warm and humid areas. Also known as the “palmetto bug” or “water bug,” the American cockroach has distinct features that set it apart:

american cockroach removal brampton

Size and Appearance & Diet

  1. Adult American cockroaches are sizable, reaching lengths of 1.5 to 2 inches.
  2. They are reddish-brown in color, with a distinctive yellowish figure-eight pattern on their pronotum (the plate-like structure behind the head).
  3. They consume a variety of organic matter, including food scraps, decaying plants, and other insects.


  1. They are often found in damp, dark areas such as basements, sewers, and around drains.
  2. They are outdoor pests but can venture indoors in search of food and water.


  1. Similar to German cockroaches, American cockroaches reproduce rapidly. A female can produce multiple egg cases, each containing numerous eggs.
  2. Their life cycle, from egg to adult, takes about 6-12 months.

Brown-Banded Cockroach

The brown-banded cockroach (Supella longipalpa) is a species of cockroach that is easily identifiable by distinctive banding patterns across its wings and abdomen. Here are key characteristics and information about brown-banded cockroaches:

brown banded cockroach in kitchen

Size and Appearance & Diet

  1. Adult brown-banded cockroaches are relatively small, ranging from about 1/2 to 5/8 inches in length
  2. They are light brown in color with two distinct darker bands running across their wings and abdomen.
  3. These cockroaches are omnivores and can feed on a variety of items, including starchy materials, glue, and even non-food items.


  1. They prefer warmer and drier conditions compared to some other cockroach species.
  2. They are often found in elevated areas of buildings, such as ceilings, upper cabinets, and furniture.


  1. Brown-banded cockroaches reproduce relatively quickly, with females producing egg cases containing multiple eggs.
  2. The development from egg to adult can take a few months.

Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental cockroach, scientifically known as Blatta orientalis, is a notable species of cockroach characterized by its dark and shiny exterior. This cockroach species has several distinctive features:

oriental cockroaches removal brampton

Size and Appearance & Diet

  1. Adult Oriental cockroaches are relatively large, typically measuring between 1 to 1.25 inches in length.
  2. They exhibit a dark brown to black coloration, and their bodies have a glossy sheen.
  3. Oriental cockroaches are scavengers with a broad diet, feeding on decaying organic matter, garbage, and even pet food.


  1. Oriental cockroaches thrive in environments that are dark, cool, and damp. Common habitats include basements, crawl spaces, and other areas with high humidity levels.
  2. Unlike some other cockroach species, they are less dependent on warm temperatures.


  1. The reproductive cycle of Oriental cockroaches involves females producing egg cases, each containing numerous eggs. 
  2. The development from egg to adult takes several months.

How To Prevent From Roaches

Regardless of the species, all roaches are considered pests due to their ability to spread disease and cause damage to household items. They can carry bacteria and viruses on their bodies and contaminate food and surfaces. Roaches can also cause damage to items such as books, wallpaper, and electronics by chewing on them.

So, what can homeowners do to prevent roach infestations? The key is to eliminate their food, water, and shelter sources. This means keeping a clean home, sealing up cracks and crevices, and fixing any leaks or moisture issues. Homeowners can also use baits, traps, and insecticides to control roach populations. If you need any professional help we are always available for roaches extermination in Toronto and other related areas.

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